Who doesn’t love a trip to the apple farm this time of year?! We sure do. Here are a few ideas for bringing yoga to the apple farm on your class field trip or family outing. 

Life Cycle of the Apple: Talk to your kids about how apples grow. 

Child’s Pose- begin in child’s pose to represent the apple seed. Explain that the seed is planted in the ground. Water and sunlight help it grow. It grows   into a big and strong apple tree!

Tree Pose- next make your way to tree pose as you pretend to be an apple tree. Reach your arms high and make a fist to represent the apples growing on your branches. 

Happy Baby Pose- make your way back down to the ground and into happy baby pose as you roll from side to side like an apple that has fallen off of the tree.

Butterfly Pose- next, make your way into butterfly pose as you pretend to be a basket. Pretend to pick up apples and put them into your basket. 

Eat the apple!- pretend to eat the most delicious apple. Talk about how it tastes, how it sounds when you chew it, other things you can make out of it (apple cider, pie, applesauce, etc.). But don’t eat the seed!

Child’s Pose- come back to child’s pose and pretend to be an apple seed from your apple to end your life cycle story.


Learn, Play, Namaste.

Christine & Alex

Categories: Kids' Yoga